Dr. Ivanov from IEC SB RAS visited ESE


At the invitation of Prof. Li-Hui Chen, the chief resercher of Institute of the Earth’s Crust Siberia Russia (IEC SB RAS), Dr. Alexei V. Ivanov visited School of Earth Science and Engineering, NJU and gave a report titled “The origin of high-Mg melts of the Siberian Traps by volatile-fluxing” on Mar 26, 2018. The report started at 10:00 p.m. in Room A205, Zhugongshan Building.  

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Prof. Ivanov works as a chief researcher in Institute of Earth’s Crust SB RAS and is the head of Center for Geodynamic and Geochronology.  

Prof. Ivanov ’s contributions to geoscience are mainly focused in Geodynamic, Geochronology and field work.

Prof. Ivanov serves as an editor of several journals such as International Geology Reviews and is granted by the Earth-Science Reviews. He has ever published over 60 papers in Geology, Earth-Science Reviews and Ore Geology Reviews. His field work includes on-land field work in Siberia, Tanzania, Kamchatka and Mongolia.

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first row from left Dr. Huai-Yu He, Dr. Ivanov, Dr. Demonterova and Prof. Li-Hui Chen

It is worth to mentioning that Madam Demonterova is also a geologist and she is majored in Petrology in Basalts.

After the lecture, Rockingmantle group invited Dr. Huai-Yu He and Ivanov family to attend the group meeting together with discussion for further cooperation.

The next day, 27th Mar, 2018,under the guide of associate professor Gang Zeng, the guests are invited to the field trip to Nushan National Geology Park.